Eracle Hlothran XOYC5sV

Name: Eracle Hlothran 

Race: Hobbit (Fallohide) 

Home: Rhovanion 

Height: 3' 2" 

Weight: 82lbs 

What was their family like? Are any of them still alive? How do they know? Not much is known about the Hobbits that fled back across the Misty Mountains after the pressure from the Witch King. Eracle isn't one to talk about his family much, if at all. 

Did they own a pet? No. 

What sort of job did they have? What did they like about it? He grew up hunting/foraging along with most of those around him. He took to pickpocketing and working in the shadows once he ventured into more civilized elements of society. 

What is their most prized memory? Their first big score. 

What do they feel are their best traits as a person? What don't they like about themselves? Their ability to blend in. The weight of his past, and not coming from a more known or storied part of Hobbit ancestry and society. 

What's one goal they have for themselves besides staying alive? To make an undeniable mark on history, that no one knows who to attribute it to. 

What is their moral standpoint on killing? On stealing? Whatever it takes to make the ends what they should be. 

Are they passionate about something, be it religion or a personal view what is it? Eracle isn't a passionate person for most things

What is one thing they can't stand? Willful ignorance, or adherence to a code that leads to worse outcomes for the sake of a false sense of honor. 

Are they trying to get home to another place? No. More traveling and trying to learn what they can in pursuit of changing the world in a way he can celebrate nameless. 

Are they very social and friendly, or a loner? Why? A loner but easily able to socialize and pretend to be of the more jovial and laid back Hobbit style

Is your character more likely to spare lives or cut them down? Situation dependent. While Eracle doesn't look to spill blood, if it is the path that provides the most benefit in the end, he isn't scared to

What are they scared of the most? The whispers in the shadows that remind him of those like the Witch King, that have the ability to change the fate of entire sections of society.