Salvio Whitbeck To_lea10

Name: Salvio Whitbeck

Race: Halfling (Fallowhide)

Home: The Oldbbuck Caravan

Height: 3' 6"

Weight: 37lbs

What was their family like? Are any of them still alive? How do they know?
Mother: Celandine Whitbeck
Father: Fastra Whitbeck
Siblings: Merimas Whitbeck
Other family members: Uncle: Sancha Whitbeck, Cousin, Malvon Whitbeck

Did they own a pet?
No, but often work alongisde small creatures of the forest.

What sort of job did they have? What did they like about it?

Hunter for Caravan group

What is their most prized memory?
When thier Uncle taught them to use a bow to help with the hunt

What do they feel are their best traits as a person? What don't they like about themselves?

They can motivate themselves well, 

They are often nervous in new scenarios

What's one goal they have for themselves besides staying alive?
To be able to server as the Caravan Master Hunter

What is their moral standpoint on killing? On stealing?
Stealing should only be done when it is neccesary for survival
Murder of an animal should only be done if it is neccesary to eat or use as hide. It should not be done for sport or as a game and it's life should be honoured. The killing of another person, be that Elf, Halfing Human or any should only be done in self defence or to protect your own family from definite future harm

Are they passionate about something, be it religion or a personal view what is it?

Ensuring that her family and her caravan are kept safe and well taken care of.

What is one thing they can't stand?

Seeing innocents suffer becuase of their mistakes or something they could have stopped

Are they trying to get home to another place?
She is on a journey to learn new skills and find new areas for her Caravan to travel and refine her skills

Are they very social and friendly, or a loner? Why?
More of a loner due to still being mostly scared of the big people

Is your character more likely to spare lives or cut them down?
Spare lives

What are they scared of the most?
A big person following her back to her Caravan and putting her family and friends in danger