The Nine Kings
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The LORD of the Rings

descriptionDuvandir EmptyDuvandir

Duvandir Wood_e10

Name: Duvaindir

Nickname: Vandir: name his mother first called him, and those who are close to him

Race: Silvan Elf (wood elf)

Class: Ranger, Hunter 

Home: Amon Lanc/Mirkwood also known as Greenwood the Great

Birth date: Twenty-fifth day of Iavas (Autumn), 1144; born in Amon Lanc

Height: 6’2”

Weight: 190lbs

Body type: Athletic

Eyes: Gray-green

Hair color: Raven Black (so black it has a hint of deep blue)

Hairstyle: Wavy, layered, shoulder-length hair, pulled back from his face.

What was their family like (and younger years)? 

Mostly Idyllic for an elf born into the wilds of Mirkwood, despite never knowing his father who was killed in a hunting accident when he was young. As he grew older, increasing pressures from outside forces began to change the needs of his people and the prominence of his mother, Glawien, in their community. He also has and had a close bond with Grador and his former lover Reniriel, who came of age together, but Renirel never returned from hunting expedition with two others. That was 13 years ago. He wears a deep green stone semi-precious gen stone oval amulet with a hawk carved on it’s surface that she gave him. 
Are any of them still alive? 

His mother, Glawien, older sister Lelyalle (by 160 years). He also has grand parents on both sides, and extended family. Grador, his dearest friend and brother, but not by blood, lives and is a hunter and protector of Amon Lanc and Mirkwood.

How do they know? 

Amon Lanc is a place of tight-knit communal living, as they try to preserve their culture. While Duvandir has traveled away, to his knowledge, his family members, blood and otherwise, are well and whole.

Did they own a pet? 

Yes, he had his first hawk in his youth before coming of age. Presently, he has a young female hawk that he raised and trained named Nehta.  

What sort of job did they have? What did they like about it? 

Hunting and protecting the forests of Mirkwood, Amon Lanc and its people. The importance of such a role and how it made him feel a part of the great forest and a kinship with its residents elven or otherwise.

What is their most prized memory? 

Training blade and bow, hunting, and the ways of the forest with his mother and sister from the moment he could travel with them as a young child. His mother never failed to impress on him the need to excel at his lessons with her, or with his other teachers. 

What do they feel are their best traits as a person? What don't they like about themselves?

What's one goal they have for themselves besides staying alive?

To return to Amon Lanc/Mirkwood, after working to thwart the encroachment of elves of Lothlorien on silvan lands. He wants their culture and sacred forest to be untouched by those who wish to tame it.

What is their moral standpoint on killing? On stealing? 

Duvandir has an interesting outlook on stealing, it all depends on who is being stolen from, not so much who does the stealing. Amon Lanc is nothing like the elves of Lothlorien know. What one provides, one provides to all, sharing the wealth, as it were. Having left Mirkwood, he has come to see that not all thrive, so a little taken from one benefits another—so be it.

Regarding killing. He is no pacifist. All things die, even long-lived elves… He does not kill for the love of it—but when it’s necessary—he does not hesitate.  

Are they passionate about something, be it religion or a personal view what is it? 

He is passionate about his large extended family and people. While he has been told about the elven creator-- Eru Iluvatar, he believes all material phenomena have agency, that there exists no categorical distinction between the spiritual and physical world, and that soul, spirit, or sentience exists not only in humans but also in other animals, plants, rocks, geographic features (such as mountains and rivers), and other entities of the natural environment.

What is one thing they can't stand?

Are they trying to get home to another place?

Are they very social and friendly, or a loner? Why?

Is your character more likely to spare lives or cut them down?

What's one thing they're scared of?

Last edited by Duvandir on 7th August 2024, 9:11 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to add details)

descriptionDuvandir EmptyRe: Duvandir

Hunter Skills:
Passage of Nature - this skill allows you to kneel down place your fingers upon the dirt and see before you tracks of wildlife, humans, dwarves, and Elves in the area. Lvl 1 Hunter

Find the Path - allows you to follow the tracks you have discovered with twice your normal speed however this only be sustained in one round. Lvl 1 Hunter

Blindside - this attack is ment to intercept an enemy aggressor by hitting them before they can get an attack off. Their attack can be melee or ranged that you are attempting to interrupt. This skill is the same for both Bowmasters and Hunters. LvL1

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